SPLS-Technology™ - Advanced technology for effective sizing and counting of single particles from nano- to microscale

Single Particle Light-Scattering Technology (SPLS) records light that is scattered into different directions by single nano- and micro particles while passing a focused laser beam of non-spherical cross-section.


Single particles are lined up in a single line by hydro-dynamic focusing in an optical flow cell. This way, a sample flow in the middle and a surrounding sheath flow are created by means of pressure differences. The sheath flow creates a kind of fluid wall for the sample flow and prevents mechanical blockages. The cross section of the sample flow can be adjusted dynamically (by factor 35) with no changes to the mechanical parts. Consequently, the flow conditions can easily be adjusted to the sample concentration, and thus avoid impacts of concentration peaks.


When a single particle crosses the laser beam, the light is scattered in all directions. Forward and sideward scattering of light are recorded simultaneously by means of two PMTs, and are analyzed in real-time after amplification and digitalization. The scattered light intensity calculated for each particle are sorted in up to 4.2x106channels and displayed as high-resolution bar-chart stating the count distribution on an easy-to-use touch screen. Classified intensities are converted into particle size distribution density based on the theory of Mie. Measurement, data storage and analysis are powered by software platform SEPView®.


It is a great advantage that the particle concentration of each identified size fraction can be determined simultaneously. SPLS-Technology enables you to get a deep insight into complex nano- and submicro-particulate systems, which helps you to design tailored particles and dispersions.